Say good bye to spreadsheets


How do you how well your marketing is working? So many people start a business and understandably work from spreadsheets, why not? They are easy to change and update, they give you viability and confidence in numbers.

But the do not let you scale very well, ok so you can share a doc with someone and collaborate. But lets be honest it doesn’t matter how good you are at building spreadsheets you spend a lot of time manually updating them.

Time for a Customer Relationship Management software (CRM)

With a CRM you get an up-to-the-minute view of your entire sales funnel on a clean, visual dashboard. You can sort deals won and lost, appointments scheduled, contracts sent over, and track performance against quotas you set in one simple view. Sort deals by name, owner, amount, or stage with custom filters for actionable intel in a fraction of the time. Can your spreadsheet do this? I think not!

Your CRM can track customer interactions automatically – whether they’re in an email, across social media, or on a call. Sync with Gmail or Outlook, and capture every call, email, or meeting as it happens.

A CRM goes way beyond names and job titles. Every interaction with a lead is stored in a tidy timeline, including calls, emails, meetings, and notes. You’ll never need to dig through a messy inbox or spreadsheet to figure out where a relationship left off.